
Dartmoor Photos seeks to capture and celebrate the beauty of the changing moods and seasons of the Dartmoor Wilderness. It is important for Rob to present his vision of Dartmoor as faithfully as possible, retaining the character and integrity of the scene photographed.
For this reason, Rob chooses to use Classical Film (analogue), ensuring an authentic approach to his landscape photography. He particularly enjoys the disciplined approach that working with film instills. Rob uses a faithful Nikon FA Camera and Fuji Film. A tripod is used to aid composition, to enable optimum depth of field and to slow down the whole process, ensuring that the technicalities of composition and exposure are executed correctly in the field. He uses specialist landscape filters enabling the film to cope with the wide exposure latitudes within the frame and to record the image as the eye sees it. The film is developed and printed professionally on Fuji professional emulsion paper, giving optimum quality, depth, clarity and longevity, with a typical lifespan of 100 years, if avoiding harsh sunlight. Rob feels that Film captures the nuances of colour and light extremely accurately. He may take several hours waiting for the perfect light and on occasion, camps out in the deep moor to capture the golden hours.
Rob grew up on a West Country farm and it was there that his love for the countryside began. He would enjoy exploring the woods and fields with his dog Misty. A camera as a birthday gift at the age of eleven, was the start of a life-long passion for photography, and would be used to capture the landscape and wildlife he waited patiently for.
Rob would go on to study at Seale Hayne Agricultural College, taking him to farms in Dorset, Wales and Scotland before returning to Devon. Unforeseen changes in his life, as well as in the farming industry, precipitated a career change. Rob decided to turn his passion for the outdoors and photography into a profession and his photographic business was launched in 1999. Heather, his wife, joined the business ten years later and together they run Dartmoor Photos from their home in Manaton. Rob’s appreciation and knowledge of Dartmoor has been enhanced by nine years of service to the Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team as well as extensive walking and running over the moor.
Rob’s images have been sourced by organisations including The Dartmoor National Park. His work is available for purchase at www.dartmoorphotos.co.uk as well as from various outlets across Dartmoor. He can also be found every Thursday, from April through to November at a Craft Market in Widecombe-in-the-Moor.
We hope you enjoy our images of Dartmoor!
Western Morning News Article June 2008 Click here to read
Interview by Paul Greeves, photos of Rob by Steven Haywood.